Make your Holiday Season Green: Xmas Lights

The Christmas season is coming up soon and it is the most anticipated season in the Philippines! Although, the holiday season comes with consequences to our environment. Every year, the holiday season is associated with a lot of energy consumption.

Holiday lighting is festive, inviting, and helps to establish the tone for the season. This practice has long been a feature of the Christmas season, and cities and homes switch on their Christmas lights each year around this time. However, the lengthening of Christmas illumination times and the increased number of Christmas light displays have resulted in energy waste and, more broadly, light pollution.

Here are practices you can do for sustainable Christmas lighting and ensure your decorations are low-impact this holiday season.

Use LED-powered lights

Consider opting for LED lights throughout your home since they are not only more energy-efficient than incandescent bulbs, but also last twice as long. They provide excellent light quality and solid colors while saving electricity.

Solar-powered Christmas lights

Solar Christmas lights are also another alternative to green your holiday lights. These derive natural and renewable energy from the sun!

Set your lights to a timer

While it is unquestionably wonderful to spread a festive spirit throughout the holidays, leaving your Christmas lights on all day can waste a lot of electricity. Leaving your lights on is utterly unnecessary and consumes more energy than we need. Try to limit your energy consumption by setting a timer on your Christmas lights or using it for the most special occasions.

Even during the Christmas season, your friends, neighbors, and our dear Mother Earth will appreciate the fact that you’re doing your part to protect the environment by choosing sustainable lighting decorations. The best way to celebrate this season is by giving back to our loved ones and our Mother Earth.

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