What we believe in

Green Practices
We do our share by conserving our resources, helping reduce, reuse and recycle whenever possible so that we can create greener communities wherever we are present.

Green Products and Services
We provide more responsibly sourced product choices, help our MSME partners become more sustainable and find more sustainable solutions for smart packaging and reducing our footprint.

Green Living for Employees
We encourage our employees to shift to a greener lifestyle – at work and at home – and serve as Green Living Champions!

Green Living for Customers
We engage our customers to join us in making the GREEN MOVE through fun, eco-friendly, habit-forming GREEN activities.
Featured Stories
Our Green Champions
Want to make your green move but don’t know where to start?
Our Green Champions will help you one step at a time. Stay tuned for their posts!

Jhen Miranda
How do you travel in a more eco-friendly and socially conscious way? Let Jhen give you a tour of the sustainable practices of our hotels to help our tourists make a green difference.

Alex Dizon
Going green by gardening is Alex’s thing. A recent plantito and a blogger since 2010, his stories on travel, food, fashion, and entertainment will surely keep you scrolling.

Liz Go Bian Kan
Liz believes that protecting the environment is a higher calling that one could pursue as a passion. Let Liz help you live out this passion and adopt a greener lifestyle.

Freniel Austria
Freniel is an advocate of holistic health and social development and participation. His stories capture our own realities and his inspirations to have greener outlook in life.

We enable the means for Filipinos to live sustainably in the easiest possible way.

We engage our customers and positively influence their choices through our sustainable products and services.
We develop our employees to advocate sustainable lifestyles and become SM Green Movement’s champions.
We practice responsible end to end resource management in everything we do.