Finding the Green in Me through Green Finds

I’ve always dreamed of a better, greener world. After finishing my post graduate studies on Sustainability Management at the Ateneo de Manila University, I was super charged – excited to contribute to a changing the world.

SM is my first job, and I am blessed to be part of the fast evolving sustainability team. We did a lot – publishing sustainability reports, holding sustainability summits and even launching a sustainability school. Yet, I knew there was something more to sustainability at SM. And my big break came when I got promoted and assigned as AVP for SM Retail.

This opportunity was my greatest challenge to make a difference – right here, right now. With SM being the largest retailer, it got me thinking…“What is the one thing we can do that can change what products we sell and how people buy?”

What a Find!

The Eureka moment happened when I bought a pair of jeans at SM, which was made from recycled materials! On top of that, I got it on sale at 50% off landing at Php300. 

It was a light bulb moment for SM Green Finds!

I hurriedly and excitedly shared the concept with my teammates and my boss. Soon, with much guidance and support, more people shared the same vision. It was fun working together – mixing adrenalin and anticipation – I had butterflies in my stomach! Then, the big day came!

On June 10, we launched SM Green Finds! Starting with The SM Store at the SM Mall of Asia, you and I will be able to shop for green products by simply checking for the Green Finds badge.

Fun and exciting, we can now start our very own journey to green living. What I love about it is that the finds are affordable and easy to find since SM is everywhere.

Finding My “WHY”

When I saw the pop-up store set-up, I cannot explain the joy overflowing within me. This was no longer just a concept or something theoretical I studied. This was a dream come true for me – my purpose. I was finally living out my “why!” What was once a distant future in my mind, my “dream green job” was right here, right now. But more importantly, among the many things I learned, it was working with my colleagues, friends and my bosses, Koleen and Mara, who supported and guided me along the way that made the journey sweeter. It takes a whole village to create an impact.

Green Finds was meant to help us find green products – but it helped me find the Green leader in me.

Green Finds Pop-Up is located at Ground Floor of The SM Store (south wing)
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