What is Carbon Footprint? Share your thoughts and win a PRIZE!


  • Watch Szasa’s video on Carbon Footprint.
  • Comment your simple ways to reduce your Carbon Footprint in the comment box below.
  • The best answer will win an exclusive SM merchandise.
  • Deadline of entry is on Tuesday, August 10, 2021.
  • The winner will be announced via email.

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Lei Manaeg
Lei Manaeg
3 years ago

When we open our aircon, we only use one room and everyone stays there so as not to open all aircons in the house. We plant some fruit bearing trees and vegetables, likewise raise our chicken to minimize our travel to supermarket. When doing our grocery, we bring our containers and ask vendors to place our purchased meat in it instead of using plastic bags. Our bayong serves it purpose so much It might not that big, but doing my share can minimize my carbon footprint.

Thet Velasquez
Thet Velasquez
3 years ago

carbon footprint is emitted from the use of machines like xerox machines and the like

Narceline Capistrano
Narceline Capistrano
3 years ago

It really is hard to be a single Mom, knowing I work 5 days in a week. I make sure that I still have time to bond with my 3-year old daughter. Now, she’s in the stage of learning new things to get her ready for school as she steps near to that. Instead of letting her be on her own with her tablet or phone watching educational videos, and me having time for myself. I spend time teaching her how to write basic strokes and familiarizing the alphabet, numbers and animals.

We get to spend time together that I would treasure for the rest of my life and also lessen some carbon footprints for her to have a better and healthier environment.

Ishaq Estero
Ishaq Estero
3 years ago

I switch to plant based products whenever it is readily available in mass market.

The documentaries Seaspiracy, Cowspiracy, and David Attenborough: A Life On Our Planet has greatly impacted me on how I see my consumption behavior.

This has lead me to do three simple action that if the majority would follow suit would create a considerable reduction in carbon footprint.

First, I started using metal straw.
There had been conversation on plastic straws for the past few years and gave rise to usage of paper straws in cafes and restaurants. However, much like plastic straws, paper straws are still harmful to animal if littered into the ocean hence, having your personal metal straw is much more sustainable plus it is hygienic. And to be honest, we can drink most of the drinks that we order so why not just skip using straws? *wink*

Second, I started eating plant based meat/fish products.
If you think that the largest source of pollution is the Burning of Fossil Fuels, you are not alone. Surprisingly, cows are our enemies! Cows generate greenhouse gases in two main ways: through their farts and through their waste. Not only do they pollute air but they produce wastes that pollutes our water.

Additionally, meat production required a higher amount of water than plants. Study shows that 1kg of meat requires between 5,000 – 20,000 litres of water compare to 1kg of plants that only requires 500 – 4,000 litres of water.

Meat production also requires a wider land area compare to plants hence, Brazil, one of the largest producer of beef, keeps diminishing the Amazon Rainforest (also known as the lungs of the Earth btw!) to meet the demand for meat consumption.

Don’t get me started with the fishing industry and how it destroys our ecosystem. You live in an island, you should know!

Lastly, I started drinking Oat Milk.
Unconsciously, I was already supporting plant based milk as I am lactose intolerant. I used soymilk as my alternative to your regular cow’s milk. Why is cow’s milk bad for the environment you ask? See my cow rant mentioned earlier.

Because of my journey to sustainability, I found out that the best plant based milk for the environment is Oat Milk simply because it requires less land area to produce compare to other plant based milk including soymilk plus it tastes better in my opinion.

In conclusion, I encourage to do your research and highly recommend you watch those three documentaries I mentioned.

I encourage you to avoid using single-use products such as plastic bags, plastic straws, disposables, etc.

I encourage everyone to explore plant based products. It is available if you look hard enough. (Veega).

Our consumer behavior dictates how corporations produce. If you stop buying, they will start thinking about their carbon footprint. So start the conversation now before it’s too late.

Marlo Gabucan
Marlo Gabucan
3 years ago

carbon footprint is the released of greenhouse gases(GHG) into the air as a result of your activity, the greenhouse gases traps heat into the air that would overheat our planet, activities like driving your car, riding a plane, or using your appliances. In order to mitigate the emission of GHG is to understand what factors that contributes GHG and take action. Most of the companies incorporates their monitoring on GHG through Sustainability reporting on Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) or Economic Social and Governance (ESG) Framework. As individual we do our share by actively participating government and private initiatives to make this earth a sustainable place to live.

Last edited 3 years ago by Marlo Gabucan
Adelin Tavera
Adelin Tavera
3 years ago

Carbon footprints is the greenhouse gases, like carbon which is release or created from our everyday actions. Like our lifestyle or food choices
and choice of transportation. These are my own simple ways to reduce carbon footprints. 1. Not frequently buying new clothes, gadgets, shoes, etc.
2. Walk or bike instead of riding fueled vehicles.
3. Not cutting trees in the urban forests and forested lands.

John Lawrence Malabanan
John Lawrence Malabanan
3 years ago

We can do little ways to reduce our carbon footprints through simple things. Let’s say in our workplace, by simply unplugging our computers after use, setting the right temperature of ACU, and making everything paperless (if possible), we could be of help to our environment. Also, everything starts with awareness. If we are being mindful of what we do and we practice these simple efforts everyday, it becomes a habit. And unknowingly, we are becoming green warriors of the earth.

Reynaldo Cabatay IV
Reynaldo Cabatay IV
3 years ago

Everytime we go to market place or shopping malls, we constantly bring Shopping bags. This will help us to reduce of using plastic bags and paper bags.

Gerald A. Dumangon Jr.
Gerald A. Dumangon Jr.
3 years ago

Minimized power consumption,
1. Schedule electrical load use per appliance.
2. Use timer for heavy loads equipment. (Ex. Aircon, Refrigerator, Oven Etc.)
3. Use inverter type appliance units.

Danika Melca A. Relon
Danika Melca A. Relon
3 years ago

Here’s my simple way to reduce my carbon footprint and also save money.

  1. Support local products – more healthier and affordable for me to buy fruits and veggies from our local farmers, I can ask for discounts to save money, also there’s no need for me to travel from another place this really reduce my footprints and save me money for the fare.I also love the idea to support the family in my area.
  2. Bring your own Bottles and Mugs – I always bring my hydro flask whenever I go to a coffee shop since there were coffee shops offering discounts if you bring your own bottles/mugs.
  3. Rethink your closet – buy less or 2nd hand clothes like ukay ukay and I also donated some of my old clothes/bags/ shoes.
  4. Ditch disposables – Have noticed in our house that we always use paper towels/napkins to wipe our tables or our hands; to reduce it we recycled our old clothes and make our own rags.
  5. Save electric bill – unplug everything if not use except our refrigerator 🙂
Roma Hierro
Roma Hierro
3 years ago

Our collective actions harms the Earth, however, we can still do something in order to preserve it.

Here are some of the things I do to reduce my carbon footprint.

1. Promote Slow Fashion – I promote slow fashion. I buy clothes only when necessary. I choose comfortable clothes so I can wear them as many times as I possibly can. Most of my clothes last for 3 or more years. Some of them are even from my mom.

2. Start a Mini Garden – Climate change is a very serious problem. The continuous warming of the Earth brings change to weather patterns which cost lives. That is why, at home, we started our mini garden. Some of our plants are inside the house. Greens not only beautify the house but also relax the people inside.

3. Save Energy – I avoid energy vampires by unplugging appliances that are plugged on standby. My showers are quicker now and without heater. I also engage in activities like reading, crocheting, and painting which do not require me to use much electricity.

4. Consume Less – The more I learn about sustainability, the more mindful I am of my actions and consumption. There are a lot of temptations out there with regard to buying: discounts, cool designs, and endorsements of famous people. However, not because you can buy it means that you really need it. Remember, a simple life is a happy life and also a happy Earth.

Learning empowers us. I am fortunate to be enrolled in the Suitainability Course offered by SM Green Movement. The course empowers its students to take action in saving our one and only planet, the Earth.

Shenna Dacules
Shenna Dacules
3 years ago

To reduce carbon footprint, we have to: unplug electronics when not in use, learn to reduce, reuse, rot, recycle; be conscious of your water usage, bike more drive less, you can also start your own garden; only buy groceries you really need and stay healthy, eat vegetables, fruits, beans and grains. â˜ș

Alex Gatchallan
Alex Gatchallan
3 years ago

It might seem impossible to reduce our carbon footprint because everything that we do has some form of carbon emission. But it isn’t impossible. We can, as individuals, reduce our carbon emissions with the choices that we do each day.

Reducing my carbon emissions can be as simple as asking myself, “Do I really need this?” or “Do I really need to buy this?”. It can be taking a reusable bottle of water every time I am out rather than heading to the convenience store to get bottled water. It can be preparing my own packed lunch for work rather than getting a take-out. It can be shutting down and unplugging my laptop and devices every time the day ends rather than leaving them be. It can be taking the stairs rather than the elevator when it is just one or two floors up.

These are choices that I can choose to do each day. There is no complicated math or science with these choices, so it is doable, not impossible. And I am choosing to make the better choice each day.

Kathlene Cay Marasigan
Kathlene Cay Marasigan
3 years ago

In a daily basis, whenever I wash the dishes I practice using a basin to catch and recycle the water for the plants. I religiously check all faucets at home and make sure that they are properly closed to ensure that there will be no wasted water. While using my phone I always set its screen brightness low and minimize usage to conserve battery. Instead of ordering food via deliveries, I prepare my meals to avoid processed products and to lessen the transport usage from the courier. And as much as possible, I try to walk if I have nearby destinations.  This are my simple ways to reduce my carbon footprint. Let’s practice conserving energy & water, eat green and minimize our transport usage and TOGETHER, WE will create a big impact.

Charlayne May P. Galanto
Charlayne May P. Galanto
3 years ago

Supporting our local farmers and by eating plant-based food which is healthier than meat and dairy product is a great help to the environment.

Phillip Eleazar S. Aguilar
Phillip Eleazar S. Aguilar
3 years ago

For me, reducing my personal carbon footprint can contribute in protecting our environment and in conserving our natural resources. I can reduce it by consuming resources such as water and electricity at home and in the workplace only when needed. During this pandemic, opting to use bicycles in going to work or running errands if possible is more environment friendly. It can also be helpful in our body because it can be a form of exercise or fitness activity, and it can reduce physical interactions to other people compared if we are using public transportation. These are only some simple ways to reduce carbon footprint, and there are many more ways to reduce it which can start from small changes within ourselves.


[…] Remember our Be Greenformed episode on Carbon Footprint? A lot of you shared fantastic ways on how to lessen our carbon footprint and our negative impacts to the environment. The Capture app allows us to take it a step further by actually measuring our personal emissions and track our activities.   […]

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