One Straw at a Time

Did you know that worldwide, earth lovers celebrate this month every year as Plastic Free July?

Plastic Free July is a global movement started by the Plastic Free Foundation in 2011 to empower people to choose a future with cleaner communities and oceans through refusing single-use plastics.

When I first started living more eco-consciously, the first (and easiest!) disposable single-use plastics that I gave up were straws. When dining out, traveling and attending parties, I refused plastic straws. (Nice to know: Sipping on straws can actually cause wrinkles to form around your mouth).

Every little green move counts! Make your green move by giving up one plastic straw at a time.

Abi Arcangel

Straws are really useful though when we need to drink in moving vehicles. When I discovered metal straws, I bought many to gift family and friends. Back then, steel straws were less ubiquitous and I had a friend who told me she and her husband were racking their brains figuring out what it was for when she received a set. They concluded that it was a hair stick to keep buns in place.

Nowadays, metal straws are more common in restaurants, resorts and personal staples. Steel straws can even be designed in different colors with engravings of names and logos. Larger ones are available for bubble tea fans. More are also getting creative in using other materials for straws such as bamboo and food items shaped as tubes.

July is a good start for one’s plastic-free journey. Pick one disposable single-use plastic to give up then another and another and more (utensils, beverage bottles, grocery bags, cups, etc.).

Pretty soon, you’ll realize that not only are you reducing non-biodegradable waste but also cutting down some costs. Some cafes give a discount when you bring your own cup. Other stores also deduct a few bucks when you bring your own eco bag. Most public and commercial places offer free water refills.

Every little green move counts! Make your green move by giving up one plastic straw at a time. Sip from the cup and minimize wrinkles. Choose reusable ones (and you can actually use it as a hair stick in cases of bun emergency).

Know more about Plastic Free July at

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3 years ago

Love this!

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